I should be very careful. I don't mean to offend anyone's good intentions, but I feel that I should point out an important distinction: Buzz is not Awareness. There, I said it. This month has some of the worst and most offensive advertising all in the name of Awareness. The majority of the nominal breast cancer awareness ads are little more than cheap excuses to be "risque." Sometimes this is to a pitifully mild degree; other times it is embarrassingly inappropriate. At any rate, awareness (read education) is sacrificed on the altar of buzz (read provocative).
Last week I had the interesting experience of presenting at a global pecha kucha event. The basic concept is to present with 20 slides spending only 20 seconds on each slide. This was very atypical for me. I am more accustomed to filling 45 minutes or so rather than only 6 minutes and 40 seconds. The constraints, as they often do, embolden my creativity and caused me to write and think in new ways. I only had rights to the pictures in like three slides. So, I'm only going to share the spoken portion of that presentation here. I hope you enjoy.
One of my favorite opportunities as a designer is logo creation. I absolutely love the process of expressing a client's identity into a single, versatile graphic.
However, it comes with many challenges. One of the greatest challenges is deciding on whether to create a simple or complex logo. Some clients like the idea of a simple, versatile logo that could easily be printed onto t-shirts, business cards, or notepads. There are also clients who like the idea of a complex logo, that illustrates all that their business has to offer.
When looking deeper into this question, some of these tendencies may be influenced by brand confidence. The idea of a having a simple logo to reflect your complex company can seem like you are not properly conveying your company and causing your brand identity to be unrecognizable. Conversely, the desire for a larger, complex logo often stems from the wish to encompass everything your business has to offer and to be noticed by potential clients in the process. However, it all begs the question: Is bigger better?