FREE Summer Graphic
Summer is the time to unwind and enjoy some of life's simple pleasures - that may be why we love it so much. Summer is a time to bathe in the sun with a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade in your hand and a ripe watermelon sliced on a platter. It's a time for beautiful blooming sunflowers and working in the garden. Days spent with your toes in the sand, floating on a pool noodle (or lovingly hitting your siblings with said pool noodle) and tossing the beach ball to and fro.
There's a lot to love about summer, so I wanted to create a graphic to highlight some of the best things it can hold. Fun, refreshment, and a time to enjoy nature at full bloom. Feel free to download our free graphic below for your Facebook cover photo or for your desktop background and get outside this summer!
10 Things You Should Know About Websites and Online Marketing
I recently had the opportunity to speak with the University of Georgia's Small Business Development Center's Grow Smart program. I was given the topic of "Websites, SEO and Online Marketing." Then I was told I’d only have ten minutes. So, I decided to give the top ten things you should know about those things spending one minute talking about each of them. Here is the content and an info-graphic of that presentation (after I wasted the first 22 seconds explaining what I was about to say).
Latest Portfolio Additions
We spent much time and energy cultivating our craft of creating websites, logos and advertisements for our clients in order to deliver a product that perfectly suits their needs and tells their unique story. If you wish to view our full portfolio, you can do so here.