3 Ways to Make Your Site Live
I try to have a post up once a week (more or less). Believe it or not, it isn't because I am somehow disillusioned into thinking that you can't go without reading my thoughts. It isn't even solely to give you reason to come back to my site. (Though that is part of it.) The chief reason can be put simply into three letters: S-E-O. That's right; my writing to you is almost purely of a self-serving nature. Sure, I want to help you out, but it so happens that I'm doing it in a way that helps me out. In this post I'm going to talk about two controllable factors that can help improve your SEO. That's right; there is something that you, yes you, can do.
Be Legible... or Not
In every line of thinking there is always a great debate that will never be satiated. Creation vs Evolution; Nature vs Nurture; Britney vs Christina; Butter Side Up vs Down. When it comes to design the debate is almost always Readable vs Artistic. Is it more important for your logo to grab someone's attention or convey what you do? Is it more important for your site to look cool or be easy to navigate? It it more important for your ad to be legible or to look awesome?
Latest Portfolio Additions
We spent much time and energy cultivating our craft of creating websites, logos and advertisements for our clients in order to deliver a product that perfectly suits their needs and tells their unique story. If you wish to view our full portfolio, you can do so here.