With over 1 billion users, Facebook is undoubtedly the most commonly used Social Media avenue. Millions of people interact on Facebook daily, even hourly, creating lots of traffic and lots of opportunities to promote business. Good business leaders know that the most strategic place to be is where the people are, and Facebook is certainly a nice spot. However, is Facebook the best place to run all of your online business?
Act now! Call today! Don't wait! We've all heard the appeal for haste in advertising. Sometimes an offer is available only for a limited time. Sometimes it's only while supplies last. Sometimes it's just because they really want your money. Every now and then, though, the sooner-rather-than-later concept works in your favor. Every once in a while it's better to spend your money now. Updating your company's website is such a case. I know; I know. That's a likely story coming from a web developer. But, I truly believe it is better for your company to update your website now rather than a few years down the road. I even mentioned last week that one of your business's new year's resolutions should be to "procrastinate less." Here's why I think it is so important for your company to act now.
When talking with clients on what they would like their website to look like, the word "simple" is brought up time and time again. Although simple may sound like a pretty clear description, it can actually be extremely vague and it often has different meanings for different people. These particular meanings may actually be "simple" in a way, but I think we need to clarify what "simple" means in regards to websites.
Before we get started, let's make sure we understand the difference between perfection and quality. I'm not sure who first made this distinction, but I have found it to be true in a number of realities. The difference is this: A commitment to quality wants it done right the first time. Perfectionism wants it done my way every time. Though it may seem counterintuitive, perfectionism can be detrimental to good design. There are lots of reasons, but I want to focus on one right now: Perfection is stagnate.