The DT Blog

We try to keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in web development and graphic design, while also writing about our hobbies or trips from time to time.
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SEO of Bruce Lee

I recently watched a video that reminded me of how great Bruce Lee was.  I mean, seriously ... that man was AMAZING.  I thought to myself, He was easily the greatest martial-artist!  Then I thought, Was he the greatest?  I should google that.  But, then I thought, Wait ... how would Google know that?  Really it's a matter of opinion, right?  Sure Google could tell me who has received the most awards or won the most fights or even made the most money off of martial-arts, but there is an immeasurable quality to greatness, a "gravitas" that you recognize out of appreciation (or mock out of jealousy) when you see it.  Google can't do that!  Or can it?

What Small Business Owners Need to Know About Web Design

As I work on designing websites for many different types of businesses, I often come up against the same issues.  Regardless of the industry, there are a few things that every small business owner needs to know about their company website.  The way I see it, these things break down into four areas: Form, Function, Format and Information.


With over 3.5 billion searches per day, it's clear that Google is readily used by many people around the globe. It is used so much that it even makes its way into our everyday speech. Often when a question is posed in a conversation and none of the participants can provide an answer, someone usually suggests that they "Google it." Similarly, if we need to research an important topic, chances are, we won't begin at the library. We will most likely begin the Google starting line, ready to take off and browse through the world wide web. Although sometimes it takes a little exploring, there are ways to pin down our search results even faster. Here are a few tips you can use while Googling in order to find what you are searching for quickly and easily. 

Creativity Fuels Work

A buddy of mine had a big presentation earlier this week.  As a joke, he sent his boss what he claimed was his presentation for her approval.  The presentation was only three slides long ... including a title slide and an the-end slide.  Not at all humored, she simply replied, "Can you go into more detail?"  Still having fun he sent a second presentation that was MUCH larger.  The first slide began, "In 1776 ..."

We might all be tempted to think, I wonder how much work he could get done if he didn't play around all the time.  Shockingly, the answer is probably, "A lot less."

Remember when everyone complained that their parents were getting a Facebook account?  I remember that my younger brother was just livid.  To this day, he has not accepted my mom's friend request.  Don't get me wrong, there were some rough patches there at the beginning.  I remember when she found out my cousin broke up with her boyfriend, she "sent her a private message" consoling her ... only she posted it on her wall.  Over the past five years, however, my mom has gotten really good at Facebook.  She's better at social media than I am.  One might say that we could look at my mom's social media interaction and learn a thing or two ... or five.  Infact, here are five social media tips that you can learn from my mom.